A staggering 93% of potential employers and business partnerships actively vet suitors on social media platforms such as LinkedIn and Facebook before inviting them to "talk".
Is your social media / company profile headshot killing off potential business?
First impressions count!
The old adage really does ring true when it comes to easily accessible, online portfolio’s about you! Faced with a choice of selecting the button to read more about you or moving on; your profile is 14 times more likely to get clicked on if it contains your image. In those valuable few seconds you have to make a positive impression with your headshot, is your profile image doing you justice?
Sounds fairly shallow doesn’t it, but in a Social Media Today report a career’s consultant commented, “It’s the first thing we see, and it can be a big turn on or off!”
Headshot images should assist viewers to identify your personal brand, approachability, memorability and potential for business engagement.
The headshot survival guide!
Here are some quick do’s and don’ts to get your profile headshot the attention it deserves.
- No Picture! Remember your profile is 14 times more likely to get LinkedIn Profile Picture clicked on if it contains an image, and who wants to be the invisible man anyway?
- Social environments. Fun loving, a great laugh on a night out, fabulous pout but not quite the professional look you are aiming for with a business related platform… unless you’re auditioning for the Easter Bunny! Keep them for Instagram! The same goes for photographs with alcohol in them. Most of us like a glass of wine to wind down with, but think about the message it sends out on a business forum.
- Poor Photoshop’ing! Don’t try to remove yourself from a scene and make a white background unless you are a dab hand at Photoshop. Tatty lines and ‘missed’ bits can ruin a well lit, nicely posed image. If you are going to give it a go yourself, make sure the edges are clean or get an expert to do it for you.
- Absolutely no arm out selfies! We’ve seen them all and our timelines are busting with them, but don’t fall into the trap of thinking it is an acceptable headshot, get a friend or colleague to take the picture or better still get a professional photographer!

- Use high quality images, remember that first impressions count! How do you feel when faced with grainy, pixelated images?
- Commission a professional photographer to compose your headshots. Packages don’t have to cost a fortune and you’ll be given a selection of images to choose from for a multiple of purposes. Images can be taken in-action, in a traditional studio on location.
- If you are going to take your own headshot use background free from noise, to avoid distracting features. Use light open spaces and clean neutral coloured walls for the best results. Not got a fancy camera or need a photograph in a hurry, use your phone, but be sure to use a mini tripod or selfie stick and timer. If you don’t have either, a bit of blue tac to hold your phone in place will do the job.

Make the right impression, first time with professional headshots. Book yours now....
Kristina - St. Albans Photography